Appliance and Furnishing 2023


Total Sold: 80
Appliance and Furnishing package for CABINET VISION software


  • Appliance 2023 Catalog
    • A collection of popular appliances, sinks, garbage disposal and taps from New Zealand suppliers
    • Clean simple models
  • Furnishing 2023 Catalog
    • Doors and windows that allow rehinging, resizing and ability to select window mullions


  • Download for CABINET VISION version 2022.4, version 2023.2 and version 2023.4
  • Miele appliances added in 2022 download

New Zealand and South Pacific Island Customers

This package is included free while your software maintenance (SMA) is current with Joinery IT Limited. Contact us to get it.

Additional information

Downloads Available

CVC-Appliance and Furnishing 2023 for CV 2022.4, CVC-Appliance and Furnishing 2023 for CV 2023.2, CVC-Appliance and Furnishing 2023 for CV 2023.4